Elks Movie TripsIMAGINATIVE PLAYLEGOS BUILDING BLOCKSMONTHLY1-on-1 Basketball 4 SquareBuild a Car CarpetballCREATIVE PLAYAction Figures Role PlayingSTEM ACTIVITIESScience, Technology, Engineering & MathEMAILEVENTSFACEBOOKDONATEGET IN TOUCHClub for Boys - 605.343.3500Thrift Store - 605.341.8878Fax - 605.343.3501Email: contact@theclubforboys.org
Boys Club 2 full movie for free
In addition to the regular drop-in schedule, the BGCW also offers enhanced programs such as basketball, soccer, dance and art club. A glance at the calendar shows a lot of fun activities every day, including puppet making, science experiments and movies. These programs support and encourage healthy lifestyles and social skills that can help individuals succeed in life. 2ff7e9595c