On this page, I present some information about my ZWO ASI294MC color camera (borrowed one from a starfriend at the end of March 2022, bought another one on April 5, 2022 more or less new in an astronomy forum; so I sent the borrowed ASI294 back to my starfriend at the beginning of April 2022, just after only one use...).
On this page, I present some information about my ZWO ASI224MC color camera (borrowed from a starfriend at the beginning of April 2021, bought on April 25, 2021; sold in April 2022). This camera has the same Sony sensor as my Unistellar eVscope (Sony IMX224/225), so I was interested in finding out how it would perform on my telescopes in comparison with the eVscope and my Atik Infinity camera.
StarFriend 0.78 Setup
When the starfriend, whose C8 I had already been able to test on the Star Discovery mount, saw my photos of my configuration, he was probably a little unsure as to whether this combination was indeed "workable". In reality the mount did not appear as overloaded as in the photos. He then immediately looked around for alternatives for my mount, for example the new Meade LX65 mount, which, however, can just carry as much (or little...) as the Star Discoverymount.
Mr. Kloß had advised me to first go with the 1.25" Zenith mirror provided with the C8 and to wait and see to which extent the mirror shifting will disturb me. As a remedy, one might install a 2" focuser for fine focusing, and this would make a specific 2" zenith mirror for the C8 superfluous. But after one week I bought a 2" zenith mirror with SC thread from a starfriend, who bought such a focuser... This way, I was able to test the 2" eyepieces that he borrowed me for evaluation (plus my own 2" eyepieces). 2ff7e9595c